Friday, October 25, 2013

Walking on Water.

Today I received some pretty insightful personal revelation as I was studying! Because it was so meaningful to me I decided to share it with the world!

So. Many of us know the story of Peter walking on water. The disciples were in a ship doing what they do and a big storm came around. Really early in the morning the disciples saw Jesus walking on water! In the account in Matthew it says
"when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear" (Matt 14:26).
First of all I think I would have been scared too! How many of us have actually seen anybody walk on water. Fear soon left them as they heard the savior reply
"Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid" (Matt 14:27).
What a calming thing to hear.




Peter had fear. It soon left him. He wanted to be with the savior. He wanted to walk with him. He did so.

After a bit of walking on water that fear came back to Peter. He began to sink. Peter calls for help.
"Lord, save me" (Matt 14:30). Christ IMMEDIATELY stretches his hand out and saves Peter.

Now here is where I really connected some personal dots. . .

The next thing we read is "And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased" (Matt 14:32). So... HOW did they get back into the ship?!

Christ. Carried. Peter. Back.

Not sure how. It was done someway.

Our savior, Jesus Christ, has physically carried people back to safety. If he has done it once, he continues to do it today. He can, does, and will carry us when we are in times of need. I know this. I have felt this time and time again! We have no need to fear. He is always there for us.
Life is full of things that we do not know. I have zero idea what is in store for my life. I have my own thoughts, dreams, and wishes... but who knows what will happen. Rather than being fearful about what will happen in my life, my heart is calm. I feel like I am walking on that water with the possibility of sinking at any moment, yet I do not sink because I am being supported by a loving Savior.
He lives. I know this with all my heart!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Follow. Just do it.

"In a spiritual sense, obedience is doing God's will." The Guide to the Scriptures

I have been doing a lot of thinking about this lately. Without being E.X.A.C.T.L.Y obedient we can not follow the example of Jesus Christ.
Recently my studies of Christ have lead me to LOVE the scripture found in Matthew 9:9 
"And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him."
 What are we doing to follow him?

Exact obedience. That is what this passage teaches us. Matthew could have sat there and said "hmm... give me 5 more minutes and I will be right there" or even "maybe later". He could have even answered with "no" but he did not. 

                               He arose.
                                            He followed Christ.

These past few weeks here on the mission I have had a growing opportunity. Many times I have felt like Matthew. Just sitting and waiting to be directed as to where to go. Last week I was blessed with the chance to be reassigned to a new area in Mesa serving with a new companion, Sister Weedman.
The both of us were brand new to this area. In mission language we call this "white washing". It was my 6th time white washing an area so I was ready to start working hard! Being new is an amazing chance to pause and let the Lord direct you with each step.
"Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to they prayers."
I know I saw the importance of this as we began to work. Yet sometimes the Lord throws us a curve ball that is unexpected...

We received a call telling us that the new area we were assigned to was going to be changed. Rather than working with the people we had already met we were to move immediately to another part of Mesa and take over 2 different areas. At first I thought it was a joke... but no. The Lord needed us only for 6 days in that one place and now we are starting from scratch once again.

Thinking of this experience I realize how vital it is to trust the Lord and be obedient. We could have questioned and fought as to why we were being moved, but we did not. We could have gone with sadness or even a bitter taste in our mouths, but we went with knowledge that the Lord puts us precisely
  where we need to be when we need to be there.

Christ invites us time and time again to FOLLOW him in all we do. He invited his disciples, those in Jerusalem, those living in the ancient inhabitants of America even. He continues to invite us. I know as we strive to follow him in all we do we can find true joy and peace in this life and the life to come!

Here is a wonderful bible video depicting another example of those who straight way went and followed Christ!!

To watch more Bible Videos go here :) 

Bible Videos!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


General Conference!

Amazing. Inspirational. Uplifting. Edifying.

The Prophet Thomas S. Monson.

Enough Said. I loved every little bit about conference.

I have tried to pick a favorite talk, but I can not. I have attempted to even narrow it down to a few and come out with little success. I know that these people have been called of God to give us the guidance we need in these days. What a blessing to be in a world with such guidance and direction.

We have a living prophet today. Not only is that a blessing, but so are the Apostles of the Lord that are called. This church is organized just as it was when Jesus Christ was on the earth. I know these men receive revelation to give to us today!

Listen for yourself to General Conference