Saturday, July 27, 2013

My week in another language!

This week was a very interesting one!
In the mission we have missionaries who are called to different leadership positions. One of those positions is called a Sister Trainer Leader. My companion and I were called to be one of three sets of sisters called to train all the sisters in the Mesa Mission. We go out on what is called “exchanges” with the other sisters and see how we can help other sisters, and ourselves, to fulfill our purpose which is to invite all people to come unto Christ.
This week was our first set of exchanges. Because of the large number of sisters we get to train we did two days of exchanges in one week! An exchange lasts 24hrs with the sisters. I went out with one set of sisters while my companion went with another. It was odd to have 2 out of 7 days without my companion Sister Avanesjan, but we learned so much during this time.
I am pretty sure that I learned more than those I was with! I really came to understand how important it is to listen to the spirit and to be guided by the truth it brings. Both sets of sisters I served with were actually called Spanish speaking! Now I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and it went in one ear and out the other! It was a very interesting experience to be pretty much immersed in the language for two whole days.

While there was a language barrier, the spirit was still there! I went out first with Hermana Valladares and Hermana Jeppson. They both taught me a LOT about how important it is to make plans and goals. Not only to make these important plans, but to fulfill them. The plans they made were directed by the spirit to guide us to those that the Lord knew we needed to see that day. It was incredible.

With Hermana Valladares and Hermana Jeppson

The second exchange I had with the beautiful Hermana Luna and the fantastic Hermana Hourrutiner. Both native Spanish speakers and amazing sisters! Both have been out on the mission for 8 weeks and are so powerful in their testimonies. I really learned about the importance of listening to the spirit. Most of the time I had no idea what was being said, but when the time came I could still feel the spirit and there were times I was able to testify (in English) about exactly the thing they were saying! Miracle!
With Hermana Luna and Hermana Hourrutiner
It was quite a different feeling for me to be out in a different language. For those who know me you know I have never, ever, had a difficult time speaking to people. This was a life changing experience because for the first time in my life I couldn’t say anything! It was left all to the spirit to help me try and understand and feel the joy and peace that comes from missionary work.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Just Listen

This world is kind of crazy. There is always so much going on. I remember when I was about 14 I went to New York City to sing in Carnegie Hall. It was an amazing experience! Kind of a dream come true for a musician like me. The other day I thought of this trip and remembered a few things specifically about the noise. 
Noise was everywhere! No matter where we went in that city it had noise. Trying to sleep in our hotel room was difficult at first because of all the loud car horns honking into the odd hours of the morning. On the street the noise was even louder! Walking down the street people would come up to us, easily seeing we were not from NYC, asking if we wanted some sunglasses, a belt buckle, or a purse. It was Crazy! I guess what I am trying to say is that the city is LOUD. It is busy, hectic, and wonderful!
Contrasting this loud exciting city I had an amazing experience while singing in Carnegie Hall. I was part of a chorus of who knows how many! I can't even remember! There were many voices, all singing to our best ability. As I stood there on stage I remember how peaceful it was to just be singing and enjoying this expierence. I was standing next to my best friend, my mother, as we sang.
There was one part where I felt very dizzy. Having been standing for an hour or so in the hot lights it was expected. I closed my eyes and said a little prayer that I would be able to make it through the concert with out passing out, because that would have been embarrassing. As I said my silent amen I opened my mouth to sing the next part and was not only filled with instantaneous energy but a calm spirit telling me that I would be just fine. That spirit told me not to worry and it was a huge comfort at this time. I continued to sing and made it to the end of the oratorio.
This experience taught me a lot now that I look back on it. Yes the world is loud, it is busy, it is chaotic many times but as we take even a small moment to pause and turn to our Heavenly Father and just listen we can be filled with strength.
The Holy Ghost is a gift that is so precious to me. It is my comforter, my guide, truly my friend. I have been able to find so much joy because of the impressions that I have received from the Holy Ghost. "By the power of the Holy Ghost a person receives a testimony of Jesus Christ and of His work and the work of His servants upon the earth." I know that that is very true. I have had questions regarding the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and about his living prophet today. I asked my questions and listened to the spirit as it testified to me of truth.
We all have questions and it is up to us to ask those questions and wait to feel those answers. I love what is said in The Book of Mormon in Moroni chapter 10
"By  the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things" (Moroni 10:5)

Remember to take the time to listen to the Spirit. All we need to do ask for it in our live and be willing and able to ACT upon what we feel we must do!
The Voice of the Spirit

Thursday, July 11, 2013


We had this amazing miracle that happened last night and I just have to share it with everybody! Just a little side note it does not have a ton to do with missionary work, more just seeing that our Father in Heaven is very aware of us!

So here is what happened. We had a dinner appointment and it was super yummy. As we were eating the family mentioned how they had planned on making us homemade frosty's and gee I was super excited. However, the family realized they had no ice cream for the frosty and so we were dessert-less :( 
As we drove to our next appointment Sister Avanesjan offered a prayer and so kindly asked Heavenly Father to provide us somehow with some kind of dessert. I smiled as we walked inside the members home knowing sometime that night we would be offered some kind of yummy food. 
We had a fantastic time with the family and the spirit was so strong as we discussed how important it is to share our testimonies, no matter how strong, with those people around us. Heading to the door the lady stopped us and asked, "Hey! Would you like a piece of homemade pie?"
"SURE!" we responded. 
It was delicious! Lemon pie. It hit the spot.
About 40 minutes later we were talking about how God answered two silly missionaries prayers. We continued to think about how it would have been nice to have some chocolate as well because that was what we were really craving. Again we commenced praying for another 'food' miracle.
About 8:50 right before returning home we finished our last lesson of the night and this wonderful lady told us to take a fudge pop. CHOCOLATE! Miracle :) It was my companions first fudge pop as well. I find it so amazing how God is so aware of us!
To put the icing on top of the cake we went home to a HUGE box from Germany. My companion is having a birthday this weekend and her mother sent a big box full delectable German chocolate. There was so much semi-melted chocolate that we took a full shelf in the mini-fridge of ours to stash it.
Miracle?! I THINK SO :)

I know it is kind of funny, but this just goes to show how God is really truly with us in everything we do. We had a desire to be blessed with some sweets and within 3 hours we had miracle dessert after miracle dessert. Miracles. They happen each and every day. Even something as simple as this! 

2 Nephi 26:12
"...working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith."

The German Candy Stash

Sister Avanesjan with her early birthday candy stash

Companion and I :) Two happy campers after our day of miracles

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I love shunshine!

It was really hot today. I love it :) Well I guess being in the desert it is hot each day. I tend to see a trend when the sun is out here in Arizona nobody else is outside! As soon as the sun goes down everybody emerges from their cool homes to get some fresh air. True, the air is still 100degrees or so, but it is much nicer without that blazing sun on your back. 
Well today we were walking around in the heat and I prayed so hard that somebody would actually be outside! I love how aware God is of us because my prayers were answered! We passed this home and saw two men sitting under the shade. One, a member, yelled to us saying "HEY! This man over here needs some saving". To make a long story short we went over and introduced ourselves and talked about the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and parted ways. I may never know what happens from this short chat, and that is okay with me because I know some day the chance will come for him to learn more.
When my older brother Matthew went on his mission I remember my Daddy told him to never give up on the people he met. He talked about how the first missionaries that he talked with have no idea he ended up joining the church and was sealed in the temple and has three children who have all (or  are all currently) serving missions. I remember this thought each day as I am in the hot sun. I remember how even though I may not see the fruit of my labor the seed is planted in the hearts of those around. That seed will some day grow, just as described in Alma 32 of the the Book of Mormon, and with that growth all are able to come closer to our Heavenly Father.
With FAITH a little seed can grow into much more

 Even with these warm days I love this work!

Friday, July 5, 2013

The 4th.... well the 5th.

Happy day after the 4th everybody! 

I was thinking a lot yesterday about the amazing chance I have to be out on a mission. I am able to believe what
I believe and share it with others because we live in a free country. 
Agency. What a blessing! It is the ability we each have to make our own choices and decisions and I am grateful for the chance to do that! We have that ability to make decisions because God Loves Us!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent his Son not into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
-John 3:16-17

I know the reason behind our ability to have this life is because we are loved by our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for that knowledge! You just have to ask and answers will be there! 

Here are some Happy 4th pictures from Mesa Arizona!
The sisters in my District! Red White and Blue!

Sister Avanesjan and I! She is the best Companion :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blessings of a Family!

Post cards from the girls
What a blessing it is to have a family. Today I received the cutest little post cards from my two little nieces. It was the most precious thing ever! As I was reading the sweet notes that Whitney and Taylor sent me I was thinking a lot about the importance of a family. 
From an eternal perspective we have our families here on earth so that we may learn and grow. Ultimately we will have the privilege of being with our families for all eternity, one of the greatest blessings we could receive.
I am so blessed to have the family I have. True, sometimes they drive me crazy, but I love that crazy family of mine! What a blessing it is to know they will be with me no matter what. 
Learn more about Families here!

My Family
Disneyland last year with the family!

Parents dropping me off about 9 months ago at the airport

With the crazy brothers! 

The whole gang! 
Yes, they are crazy but I love them!

I know that families are ordained of God. As we have our families centered on Jesus Christ we can find true happiness in this world.