Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I love shunshine!

It was really hot today. I love it :) Well I guess being in the desert it is hot each day. I tend to see a trend when the sun is out here in Arizona nobody else is outside! As soon as the sun goes down everybody emerges from their cool homes to get some fresh air. True, the air is still 100degrees or so, but it is much nicer without that blazing sun on your back. 
Well today we were walking around in the heat and I prayed so hard that somebody would actually be outside! I love how aware God is of us because my prayers were answered! We passed this home and saw two men sitting under the shade. One, a member, yelled to us saying "HEY! This man over here needs some saving". To make a long story short we went over and introduced ourselves and talked about the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and parted ways. I may never know what happens from this short chat, and that is okay with me because I know some day the chance will come for him to learn more.
When my older brother Matthew went on his mission I remember my Daddy told him to never give up on the people he met. He talked about how the first missionaries that he talked with have no idea he ended up joining the church and was sealed in the temple and has three children who have all (or  are all currently) serving missions. I remember this thought each day as I am in the hot sun. I remember how even though I may not see the fruit of my labor the seed is planted in the hearts of those around. That seed will some day grow, just as described in Alma 32 of the the Book of Mormon, and with that growth all are able to come closer to our Heavenly Father.
With FAITH a little seed can grow into much more

 Even with these warm days I love this work!

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