Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How Great the Love

It is such a blessing to serve at the Mesa Temple Visitors' Center. We are always having different things going on here that really help us to feel the spirit.
Right now the Visitors' Center has a new art exhibit that was just put up. The exhibition is entitle

 How GREAT the LOVE. 

The fine art comes from an LDS artist Annie Henrie, multiple other local Arizona artists, and a few Carl Bloch etchings as well. It is simply beautiful.

This exhibit really allows us all to take a moment and think about our Savior's love for us. He knows us and loves us. He has given his life that we may be able to return to him. I know that it is such a blessing to be able to turn to him in all things and find peace.

Here are a few of the pieces that are up at the Visitors' Center right now!

One Shepherd by Howard Lyon
"And verily I say unto you, that ye are they of whom I said: Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

How Great the Love by Annie Henrie
Fragmented Angels by Annie Henrie
This is one of my favorites. It shows how there are always angles around us, even if at first we can not see them they are there. The world is crazy and  at times we must take a step back to see the beauty, the blessings, and ultimately the angels around us.

Endless Days by Annie Henrie
"The family is ordained of God"
 Family relationships do not just end on this earthly life, they can and will last for all eternity.

Lehi discovers the Liahona by Morgen Thruston
The Prayer by Annie Henrie
We can and will find out truth through simple and meaningful prayer. I know that it is the only way to truly know our purpose here on this earth and I am so thankful for the Love of Christ and the ability to pray!

Come to the Mesa Temple Visitors' Center (525 E Main St. Mesa AZ) and see ALL the artwork! This is only a small glimpse into a truly breathtaking exhibit that truly helps us feel the Love of Christ.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Astonishing. Extremely surprising or impressive

Christ Healing the Blind Man. Carl Bloch
The other day I was blessed with a wonderful opportunity to be a part of a training that us Visitors' Center sisters received here in Mesa Arizona. We had Brother Lusvardi from Salt Lake City come and visit us for a wonderful training on how to utilize the Visitors' Center a bit more. 

In the meeting we spoke about the potential we have to become astonishing teachers. Jesus Christ is the best example of being an astonishing teacher. In all he did he taught with charity and clarity. The love he shared helped all to see the power and truth behind the gospel message.

In the Book of Mormon there are many wonderful astonishing teachers. One of my personal favorites is named Alma, who is continually desiring to be better. He had his own personal conversion to the Gospel in the form of an angel coming to help him see what was truly correct. His account states:
"the angel of the Lord appeared unto [him]... and he spake as it were with a voice of thunder, which caused the earth to shake upon which they stood. 
And so great was [his] astonishment, that [he] fell to the earth, and understood not the words which he spake unto [him]." -Mosiah 27:11-12

At one time in the life of Alma he was against Christ and any teachings that would be given about him. He was on his way to "destroy the church" when the angel appeared and changed his whole view on things. After that experience he changed. He had become personally converted.

In order to be astonishing we must be personally converted.

Once that happens we have a desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. By the Holy Ghost leading and guiding us we can help others feel a portion of the love that Heavenly Father has for them.

Back to Alma... 
After he was converted to the Lord he went around and shared what he knew to be true. He was only able to do this after searching scriptures diligently, praying, and fasting (Alma 17:2-3). 

In order to be astonishing we must study, pray, and fast.

Alma went through a period of time when he wished he could be better... but then again, who doesn't feel that way at least once if not a lot more in their life... He remembered his converting experience and how it shook the earth, it changed his heart, and he wanted to do the same to others. He remarks 

"O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with a trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people!
Yeah, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth" -Alma 29:1-2
Now, who wouldn't want that!!! As Alma declared his hearts desires he realized that this was not necessarily the best way for him to share the gospel. Sure, that was how he was converted, but others may have needed a different approach. He remarks how he is just man, how he "ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto [him]" (Alma 29:3). He realized and came to the understanding that it was up to him to listen to the people and then to bring the spirit into their lives in a unique way for each one to hear the gospel message.

In order to be astonishing we must listen and act by the spirit.

I can not even begin to explain all the things that this meeting taught me. Looking at the picture above I see there are many different people, they have different emotions and problems. We are different and can become our own kind of astonishing as we let the Lord lead and guide us.

Let us all become astonishing

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Optimist Realist.

Optimism. It is a hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.
Realism. The attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.

I had a friend once tell me that they were optimistic about life, yet realistic about the world. I deemed the term "Optimist Realist" and have done a lot of thinking about that recently. As I have studied the scriptures I see that there are many people that are able to have both these realistic and optimistic qualities. They are able to take situations given to them, bad or good, and make conditions better. They know the situation, whatever it may be, can have a successful outcome and they are prepared and ready to deal with whatever is able to happen.

That is something that I have tried recently to learn from and apply in my own life. I have heard the saying "When life gives you Lemons, make lemonade" and that is that optimist realist thought! It is important to be positive about things, yet realistic about them too.

Ammon, one of my personal favorite Book of Mormon missionaries, is a perfect example of this. He shows how he is realistic about what is going on, but also optimistic that something better can come. At one point in his missionary life he found himself serving a king. He was instructed to stay with the other servants and protect the flocks of the king. Well the bad guys came and scattered the flocks. The other servants are having a very sad day knowing they may be punished for not protecting the sheep. This is a bad situation that they were all in.
Having a realistic outlook Ammon knew things could be bad for them. Rather than just giving up he was optimistic in what could happen. He used this situation to share the gospel! He showed his faith in acting. I love what Alma 17:29 says.
"Now they wept because of the fear of being slain. Now when Ammon saw this his heart was swollen within him with joy; for, said he, I will show forth my power unto these my fellow-servants, or the power which is in me, in restoring these flocks unto the king, that I may win the hearts of these my fellow-servants, that I may lead them to believe in my words." --Alma 17:29
Ammon then goes out and gathers the flocks and protects them when the bad guys come back. He uses the power of God to protect himself and the others with him. This example that he sets eventually turns many hearts to God. Those who had not even known they were searching for answers were able to find them in turning to Heavenly Father.

I just love that example. Ammon really did make lemonade with what poor situation he had been dealt with. He did not, however, do this alone. He had help from a loving Heavenly Father who had promised to protect him in his work (Mosiah 28:7).

I know I need to be better at this! I need to have more of an optimistic and realistic outlook on the things I am dealt in life. With Heavenly Father all things are possible, I know that. I know that as we turn to him and continually have our hearts centered on him we can find the positives behind all that we are given.