I have really loved being here during Christmas time. We have so many people come into the VC every night and I have the chance to just share a particle of the importance of Christ. I love the opportunity to simply testify of him. I know that he is the savior of this world, he came to this earth for each one of us so that we will have the chance to live our lives following his example and find true happiness in this church. It is just so wonderful!
We had a wonderful service on Saturday for Amy who was baptized. Her daughter was baptized about 2 weeks earlier and it was just such a neat experience to see this happy family all sitting together knowing that they are making the correct choices to come back to Christ. I was fortunate enough to have preformed a special musical number during the service- it was kind of last minute so I just sang 'He Sent His Son' from the Childrens Hymn book. I am not trying to boost my ego or anything, but boy... it was such a spiritual experience. Music truly testifies of Christ and I know that. I have been very blessed to have grown up with music and with the talents that I have. I know I will have the chance to share this talent and help others feel of the Spirit through it. It was pretty funny after the service I was talking with the family and they were all amazed that a sound like that could come out of somebody as small as I am. . . then some skinny jokes were made. Those seem to follow me everywhere I go as well :) haha.
Something I learned the other day during study is how important it is to share this message with others. I was reading in 2Nephi 30 and in vs 3 it says
3 And now, I would prophesy somewhat more concerning the Jews and the Gentiles. For after the book of which I have spoken shall come forth, and be written unto the Gentiles, and sealed up again unto the Lord, there shall be many which shall abelieve the words which are written; and bthey shall carry them forth unto the cremnant of our seed.
I read this vs and realized that I am a missionary right now fulfilling what this vs talks about. I know that the book which it talks of is the Book of Mormon and because I believe on the words I must share them, I am doing just that. I stopped for a second and thought about those who know that this Book of Mormon is true and are not on a mission- this call to share is NOT just for full time missionaries, for we are all "member missionaries". I realized that as a member of the church we have an obligation to share what we know to be true. I continued reading and the call to spread the gospel is all over chapter 30. In chapter 31 it tells you what you need to preach- The Doctrine of Christ. It is pure and simple. We are to teach Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the End.... Something I was told by Grandpa Reynolds right before I left was that this Enduring to the End encompasses going to the temple. As we are worthy to enter the house of the Lord we are living our lives in a way that will bring us eternal happiness. I just love that. I want to challenge you all to go out and be that missionary now. I know Daddy works with the missionaries all the time, and having a good ward missionary can and Does have a HUGE impact on the mission work of a ward. Just go out and share what you know! It will bless your live soo much. I know that. I live it and do it every day!!!
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